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Cult Burial - Reverie of the Malignant

Heavy Matters

Release Date - 20th October 2023

Label - Self- Released

Words - Chris Fletcher

When it is done well, the fusion of death and black metal is a wonderous cocktail that is hard to top and on this front, UK collective Cult Burial are a band taking this blend to interesting new places. Formed in 2020 and previously releasing a couple of EPs and one self-titled full-length, the London based group are back to show that they mean business.

The new offering ‘Reverie of the Malignant’ offers up seven tracks of crushing blackened death-doom that seek to explore the murky waters of human existence by pushing the low-end baritone guitar further and further. It is no secret that the UK metal scene is in extremely good shape right now so the only question for Cult Burial at this stage is what makes them stand out from the crowd?

Opening track ‘Umbra’ opens with a menacing tremolo picked guitar that piques your interest before the crushing riffs close the walls in on you and immediately set the tone for what is to come. Second track ‘Awaken’ follows this with more quality lead guitar underpinned by heavy riffs and pounding percussion that characterises much of the record. Not to be left out, third track ‘Parasite’ showcases the stomach rumbling low-end of the bass at its finest.

Elsewhere on the album, ‘Existence’ is a potential highlight of the album with its dreamy guitar wielding around a cacophony of chaos that surrounds it. Final track, the 9 minute long and aptly titled ‘Oblivion’ offers up changes of pace that really help to pummel you further and further down.

In their own words the band have stated that they sought to blend their relentless aggression with ethereal melodies in a testament to the unyielding power of darkness. Within repeated listens the crushing power of the album reveals itself more and more and leaves you feeling like your soul has been squeezed, in a good way of course and on that front, this is a resounding success.




Thank you to everyone who has helped us out with Heavy Matters. Whether you have written our theme song, helped with our graphics, added us to mailing lists or have given us some feedback. We appreciate you all.

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