Label- Self Release
Release Date- 4 March 2022
Words - Chris Fletcher

If you keep your ear close to the ground when it comes to the UK metal underworld, then you should be able to hear the terrifying rumblings of something stirring. That something is a new band by the name of DeathCollector, who are here to exhibit what is truly great about the scene in one savage package.
Although DeathCollector is a new band releasing their debut EP, there are plenty of death metal credentials on display. With previous experience in bands such as Bolt Thrower, Severe Lacerations, Ashen Crown and Zealot Cult, there is a lot of past expertise here which is utilised to an extremely high standard.
Opening with an intro that immediately creates a sense of anticipation and builds momentum with a menacing chug, the band take their time before they pummell you about halfway through first track ‘DeathCollector’. From here the sonic assault continues with second song ‘Internal Expansion’ before final track ‘Terrorizer’ lives up to its name and delivers a final crushing blow.
Through this it is the band's ability to show a variety of skills within the three tracks that is truly impressive. The changes of pace which are driven home by both the instrumentation and the vocal delivery in tandem, and coupled with additional touches such as melodic guitar solos, we feel like we have experienced a lot over a relatively short period.
The harsh nature of the music, backed up with a production job that suits the band’s style to a tee, is an ideal reflection of the subject matter dealt with within these songs. ‘Time’s Up’ is a comment on the fact that regardless of how much you struggle, when your time is up, it's up, and DeathCollector manages to hammer home such brutal truths with an equally blunt force assault on a musical level.
Although this three track EP has a run time just shy of thirteen minutes, there is endless replay value here. It’s a debut offering that shows so much potential and leaves you wanting more. Keep an eye out for this band because you won’t want to miss what comes next.