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Schemata Theory - Unity In Time

Heavy Matters

Label - Self Release

Release: 25 February 2022

Words - Tony Bliss

Plugging away on the UK circuit for a decade now, their career may be defined by some rather stuttering momentum thus far (understandably unavoidable of late), however Readings Schemata Theory look to have put any frustrating lapses in action behind them with the emergence of their second full length proper ‘Unity In Action’, a slightly over-schmaltzy but entirely credible statement of intent.

Specialising in a rather familiar strain of turn of the millenium post-hardcore (think Alexisonfire, early Saosin or even Finch), there is certainly no lack of angsty aggression here, with the age old harsh/clean vocal switch-a-roo doing plenty of leg work. Where Schemata Theory truly excels however is in those huge, fists-in-the-air choruses. ‘New Vision’ for example is clearly designed to fill arenas, with only the hardest of hearts able to resist that breath-snatching hook, whereas ‘Our Only Home’ pulls off that tricky balancing act of being both genuinely anthemic and relentlessly hard rocking without a hint of compromise from either camp.

Some questionable decisions elsewhere do hamper things somewhat, not least the wince-inducing spoken word passages in ‘Pain Unknown’ or the inessential ‘Vantage Point’ (in essence some inspirational quotes from various speakers stitched together), but thankfully these are few and far between, and closing on the dewy-eyed yet tuneful ‘Horror Show’, it could be fair to say that the records greatest weakness is also its biggest strength: a prevailing mood of sincerity and earnestness that although by turns cloying is more often endearing. Add to that some undeniably classy post-hardcore anthems and ‘Unity In Time’ sounds like the work of a band with plenty of creative wind in their sails and likeability in spades.




Thank you to everyone who has helped us out with Heavy Matters. Whether you have written our theme song, helped with our graphics, added us to mailing lists or have given us some feedback. We appreciate you all.

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