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Sugar Horse - The Grand Scheme Of Things

Heavy Matters

Released - 4th October 2024

Label - Pelagic records

Words - Venny

Sugar Horse are arising from, and contributing to, a reach seam of bands coming from Bristol and the wider scene from the UK at the moment. The breadth of influences in the collective bands in the area has led to some interestingly original music of late. Such Bristol-based bands include as Pleiades, Haal, St Pierre Snake invasion, Phoxjaw and more widely in the UK, Hidden Mothers (Sheffield), El Monoo (Brighton) and the Hyena Kill (Manc). There has been a certain buzz about the band following the release of several singles and The Live Long After LP released on Small Pond Records.  Here, Sugar Horse release their second full length The Grand Scheme of Things on the extremely diverse Pelagic Records, which at this stage has become an arbiter for high-quality music, and the move to the label makes complete sense. Those who have heard the singles The Shape of ASMR to come and Office Job Simulator will have had their interest well and truly piqued. The tracks immediately encapsulate the significant step up in craft, song writing and execution achieved on the album as a whole. The singles also capture the diverse musical styles that SH are beginning to master. Whilst their previous work showcases their heavier side, the band have become adept at a doomy sludgy post hardcore which at times displays a similar guitar tone to their monolithically-heavy new label mates LLNN. What really is striking is the cleaner, softer side achieved on this record and how well this interlaces into the heavier parts. The quieter moments pull reference from the crescendos of the local ArcTanGent scene and post rock, shoegaze and nu-grunge bands like Teenage Wrist, but also have inflections of indie in the style of Manchester Orchestra or even the National. The vocal performance on the record also has seen a significant level-up. Ashley Tubb has a rich clean vocal, that is deep and almost baritone in parts. During Space Tourist his vocal cracks to become heart wrenchingly searing, only kept on the rails by the fine musical canvas. The track descends into a 20 minute drone (á la ions) - it is easy to catch yourself 10 minutes deep before realising where you are.

Sugar horse have crafted a fine record that weaves together a broad swathe of musical styles in a masterful way and demonstrates a band progressing in leaps. The record is beautifully balanced; at times plumbing the depths, at other points uplifting, all with a wry sense of humour as demonstrated in the song titles. One of the best releases on one of the best labels this year.



Thank you to everyone who has helped us out with Heavy Matters. Whether you have written our theme song, helped with our graphics, added us to mailing lists or have given us some feedback. We appreciate you all.

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